About Our Canvas

About Canvas at Wall Art Dream Co. Luxurious Oversized Canvas hangs above a beautiful shelving display.
Our gallery quality ready-to-hang canvas prints offer the best possible visual experience, which is a result of our obsessive attention to detail. Using our vibrant 8K high-definition printing process, our prints are precisely engineered to capture the finest detail and tonal gradations possible. This 8K resolution matches the richness associated with works of art found in museums and galleries.

To guarantee the longevity of your canvas, each print is created using museum-grade archival ink, famous for its fade resistance. This special ink ensures the preservation of every canvas print for at least 200 years, even in less than perfect environments. Further fortifying the durability is our Hahnemühle Cézanne Canvas which is made of 100% natural white cotton, perfect for digital printing. It also provides extraordinary elasticity, making it ideal for stretching on our natural wood frames, oh... and it's water-resistant too!

stretching a canvas on a frame at wall art dream company

The backbone of these canvas prints is the frame upon which the canvas is carefully wrapped. These frames are constructed from superior natural wood, selected for resilience and durability. Traditional carpentry methods are used in their construction to ensure the frame provides a sturdy foundation for your canvas.

The process of stretching the canvas over the frame is a delicate one, bordering on scientific. Each canvas is professionally wrapped around the wooden frame, striking a careful balance between tautness and flexibility to ensure a flawless image.

Each canvas corner is meticulously folded and tucked to achieve a seamless edge, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the piece. Upon perfect alignment of the canvas, it is securely fastened to the frame, a process that accentuates the depth and three-dimensionality, enriching your viewing experience of the artwork.

folding canvas corners on wood frame

These premium ready-to-hang canvas prints transcend the conventional notion of reproductions. They stand as independent works of art, encapsulating the essence of the original art in a format that is destined to be cherished for generations.

stunning wall art canvas print of a beautiful redheaded woman

We are 100% committed to bringing art closer to art lovers like you, while adhering to the highest level of quality and preservation. So it is an honor to provide you with wall decor of the finest craftsmanship through a harmonious blend of traditional methods and cutting-edge technology, and we invite you to delve into our vast collection of vibrant ready to hang canvas prints or upload your own art to create a custom canvas print.

May your wall art dream come true!


The Wall Art Dream Co. Family